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With energy ‘in demand’ to meet the requirements of present day urbanised and industrialised world, better planning and management by the state has become an imperative. Geospatial technologies have much to offer in the sector wherein every aspect of energy generation, transmission and distribution can be displayed, maintained and easily updated. The symposium will provide an opportunity to further unravel the potential geospatial technologies in energy sector.
The symposium will focus on
Smart Grids
- GIS for Asset Management & Grid Analysis
- Geospatial technologies for Power Market Assessments
- GIS for managing right-of-way activities like planning and management, property appraisal, property acquisition etc
- Geospatial tools for assessing renewable energy potential of a site
Institutional Partner |
Chair &Lead Speaker
Maurício Guedes
Executive Director
Technology Park
Brazil | Pedro Perelli
Brazilian Association of Wind
Brazil | Fátima Ferrão dos Santos
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE),
de Janeiro
Presentation |
Eduardo de Rezende Francisco
Business Intelligence Specialist
AES Eletropaulo | Richard Resl
Program Director UNIGIS for Latin America, University of San Fransisco
of Quito
Equador |